
A person operating a yacht or a boat shall be responsible for safety of the vessel while at anchorage, and shall be obliged to follow instructions of the concession holder and the competent harbourmaster’s office. When anchored, a person operating a vessel shall ensure that the vessel is sufficiently removed from the nearest vessels in all directions and all weather conditions.Foreign boats and yachts arriving from abroad shall navigate using the shortest route to a port open for international traffic and shall procure a vignette there.
When anchored, a vessel shall exhibit day signals and lights according to the “International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea”.
In case of any uncertainties regarding the anchorage order, please contact the competent harbourmaster’s office on a VHF channel, as specified in the information chart of the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure.
On request of a person operating a vessel, the concession holder’s or the port authority’s representative shall present a special card which contains the name of the concession provider and the concession holder or the port authority, the card number, and the name of the authorised person.
Anchorage dues:
- Ships, boats and yachts which use anchorages of ports open to public traffic and equipped with mooring facilities, shall pay a mooring fee discounted by 30%.
- Ships, boats and yachts which use anchorages of ports open to public traffic which are not equipped with mooring facilities, shall pay a fee discounted by 50%.
- If ships, boats and yachts use anchorages in nautical parts of the ports, they shall pay a fee discounted by 30% as compared to the fee in the nautical part of the port.
- Criteria for charging a fee shall be the length of the vessel overall per indivisible part of the day.
- The concession holder or the port authority’s authorised person shall present, at the navigator’s request, a verified price list of dues charged for mooring.
- If dry waste was collected, the concession holder shall issue a receipt for collecting the waste from the vessel.
- The dues charged shall include the service of collecting dry waste from the vessel.
- The dues charged shall include the service of collecting dry waste from the vessel.
- A concession holder of a special purpose port – anchorage shall issue to a person operating a vessel a receipt for dues paid.
- If dry waste was collected, the concession holder shall issue a receipt for collection of the waste from the vessel. The dues charged shall include the service of collecting dry waste from the vessel.
- A person operating a ship, a boat or a yacht shall keep on the vessel the invoice and the receipt until leaving the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia.
- The concession holder shall present, at the navigator’s request, the price list of dues charged for mooring, certified by the County Office.
Type on anchors:
Fisherman – this is very good in rock, shingle and weed. If the holding is bad, this is usually anchor to us. In the harbors the bottom is often the rock with a thin covered in mud.
Danforth – it’s excellent in mud, soft or hard and it’s good in sand.
CQR – this is excellent anchor in sand or mud but it’s not good as the Danforth in soft mud.
Bruce – it’s excellent in mud and sand and it’s claimed to be good in weed