Address: Trg Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice 3,
21000 Split, Croatia
Tel: +385 99 216 5500
Mochi Craft 22.5 - id: 56093
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1050{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset238 Arial CE;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Arial CE;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\highlight0\f0\fs17 P\f1 rivately owned Mochi 22.5 Axis in excellent condition. This Mochi has been meticulously cared for, with a comprehensive list of upgrades and maintenance performed over recent years.\par WORKS COMPLETED:\par \f0 2017./2018.\f1\par Complete engine overhaul\par Installation of new shafts, shaft seals, and sea valves\par New shaft supports and bearings\par New propellers\par Replacement of the teak deck on the bathing platform and starboard walkways\par Installation of new plexiglass panels on the Flybridge\par 2020:\par All external upholstery replaced\par New sofa set\par New carpets installed in the cabins\par 2021/2022:\par New structure for the underwater hull\par Installation of a new gangway\par Replacement of sea valves\par Full overhaul of the Dinghy and outboard engine\par All pump systems removed and overhauled\par 2023:\par Fresh antifouling applied\par Installation of a new watermaker\par New service batteries installed\par 2024:\par 8 new batteries installed\par New Mastervolt charger\par Complete overhaul and anti-osmosis treatment of the entire underwater section of the hull\par Replacement of injectors on Caterpillar engines, along with full servicing and oil changes for both engines and generators\par }