Croatia Charter - Plavetnilo travel agency
Address: Trg Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice 3,
21000 Split, Croatia
Tel: +385 99 216 5500

Azimut Atlantis 45 - id: 56125

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Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45
Azimut Atlantis 45

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1050{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial CE;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\highlight0\f0\fs17 Athletic splendor with a chic design appeal, the Atlantis 45 is optimized for peak performance, top comfort and effortless elegance. Well-organized living spaces create a liberating dynamic on the main deck, while spacious interiors evoke an airy, lively mood. Versatile design adaptations cater to diverse lifestyle demands, as the contrasting synergy of materials, from matte to glossy details, inspires a neat sense of style.The Atlantis 45 is a pure coupe, despite the class-leading living areas. The volumes are disguised by long, sleek lines across the profile. With a mastery of both proportion and stance, Atlantis 45 appears both quick and graceful, an impression proven true by the experience at the helm.\par The bow and stern are spotted with sunbeds, made of advanced materials. The choice of Batyline fabric and Dryfill padding combines luxuriously natural sensations with easy care. The garage is topped by a sunbathing pad for two, making more room for catching rays within the cockpit social area. The expandable al fresco dining table is embraced by sofas, sharing a backrest with the helm and adjacent sun lounger.\par The experience at the helm is one of complete control, with a suite of intuitive tools at the pilot\rquote s fingertips. The uninterrupted front windshield means a clear view forward, adding to the excellent visibility out the elongated side windows and open aft.\par }


Charter management
14.6 m (47.9 ft)
GRP (plastic)
4.2 m (13.8 ft)
1.2 m (3.9 ft)
2x Volvo IPS 600-400 hp

All information provided on this site is given in good faith to the best of owner's knowledge and regularly reviewed to reflect the most up-to-date information.

Azimut Atlantis 45 - id: 56125
Berths: 4
Cabins: 2
Manufactured: 2024
VAT: Not included in the price
Broker fee for this boat is not included in the price.