Croatia Charter - Plavetnilo travel agency
Address: Trg Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice 3,
21000 Split, Croatia
Tel: +385 99 216 5500

Azimut 72 - id: 56102

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1050{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial CE;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset238 Arial CE;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\highlight0\f0\fs17 Advance Package\par Additional 20Kw generator \par Miele Appliances (upgrade for oven and cooktop) \par Decor upgrade \par Electric searchlight \par Additional searchlight control at lower helm \par Chaincounter in main helm \par Shore water plug \par Predisposition for watermaker (salt water \endash fresh water \endash electrical) \par Extra conduits \par Easy docking Maneuvering joystick Marex \par Midship cleats\par Carbon dioxide detector\par Seakeeper stabilizer 18\par \f1 Wa\f0 termaker 130l/h\par Bow table with azzurrogrigio insert and teak frame\par Cockpit enclosure with side accesses\par Dimmer on fly\par Electric awning in cockpit\par Flagpole\par Flybridge furniture with duble kenyon barbecue ( located on aft Flybridge )\par Fordeck lounge wirh convertible benc /sunbed in batyline fabrice ( specify code ) in teak\par Hard top (painted in Etna Grey)\par Lounge furniture on aft fly with two opposite benches in batyline fabric, pouff and round coffee table with lacquered Panna insert and teak frame\par Spreade lights on aft fly\par Sun shade sail on bow with removable carbon fiber poles\par Sun shade sail on fly with removable carbon fiber poles\par Teak on fly\par Telescopic gangway\par Underwater lihgts on transom \par Upgrade standard external cushions in Batyline fabric \par INTERIOR\par Automatic roman shade curtains with black-out system (in lieu of manual roman shade curtains)\par Bidet in master head\par Black-out system for master cabin curtains \par Dimmer in salon \par Roman shade curtains with black-out system in VIP and guests cabins (in lieu of standard venetians curtains)\par Barbecue for flybridge furniture\par Dishwasher\par Icemaker for flybridge furniture\par Washer and dryer ( separate units ) in crew cabin \par Winecooler in salo\f1 n\par \f0 Raymarine AIS 700\par Raymarine Gold Package\par VIDEO \endash TV \endash HI-FI\par Hi-lo system for TV in salon ( TV not inc.)\par Smart Audio/Video package\par }


Charter management
22.64 m (74.3 ft)
5.6 m (18.4 ft)
1.82 m (6 ft)
2 x MAN CR V12 1400 mHP

All information provided on this site is given in good faith to the best of owner's knowledge and regularly reviewed to reflect the most up-to-date information.

Azimut 72 - id: 56102
Berths: 8
Cabins: 4
Manufactured: 2025
VAT: Not included in the price
Broker fee for this boat is not included in the price.