Croatia Charter

Direct On-Line Booking:

If you decide to rent luxury yacht, motorboat, sailing boat, catamaran, gulet or cruising vessel from Croatia Charter fleet please fill our booking inquiry.

For any question about renting a yacht in Croatia Charter contact us on:
E-mail /

If you want sell or buy your boat contact us on:
E-mail /

Head booking office in Croatia:

Croatia Charter – Plavetnilo travel agency
Address: Šoltanska 16, 21000 Split, Croatia

MB: 01720112 OIB: 40132081966 ID-code: HR-AB-21-060190463

Direct tel: + 385 99 216 5500
Office tel: + 385 21 474 464
Fax: + 385 21 474 409


In accordance with Article 21 of the Act on the Provision of Tourism Services (Official Gazette, Nos. 130/17, 25/19, 98/19, and 42/20), Plavetnilo d.o.o. publishes general information:

Company Name and Registered Office
Plavetnilo d.o.o., Nautical Tourism Agency
Šoltanska 16, 21000 Split, Croatia

Authorized by the Certificate of Passed Professional Exam for Business Manager, University of Split, Faculty of Economics,
Registration No.: 011-02/08-5/10, Record No.: 11/2006, Split 06.04.2006.


Pursuant to the provision of Article 6, item 3 of the Act on the Provision of Tourism Services (Official Gazette Nos. 130/17, 25/19, 98/19, 42/20, and 70/21) and Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 41/14), the service user is allowed to submit a written complaint at the business premises to the address:
Plavetnilo d.o.o., Šoltanska 16, 21000 Split, Croatia

or via email:

We will respond to the written complaint in writing within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.