Croatia Charter - Plavetnilo travel agency
Address: Trg Hrvatske Bratske Zajednice 3,
21000 Split, Croatia
Tel: +385 99 216 5500

Gulet Gideon - id: 58414

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Gulet Gideon
Gulet Gideon
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Gulet Gideon
The base in Croatia allows us to be in direct contact with boat owners.
We guarantee the best prices for customers.
With 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients.

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1250\deff0\deflang1050{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial CE;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\highlight0\f0\fs17 WATER TOYS & ENTERTAINMENT:\par Tender: 4.6 m, 40 HP\par Banana\par Water skis\par Canoe\par Windsurf\par SUP\par }


Crewed charter
32 m (105 ft)
GRP (plastic)
6 m (19.7 ft)
3 m (9.8 ft)
440 HP Man
9 kt
3500 l
11000 l

Prices for one week charter in €:

Offered prices are valid for bank transferYou can get more discount for more bookings or more weeks


EquipmentSun mattresses at fore deck
24V/220 electricity
Air condition
Deck Shower
Snorkeling equipment
Ice maker
WiFi Internet
Board games
Coffee maker
Dining table for 12
Cockpit table
Sun loungers
USB and radio

Standard equipmentTV

Water SportsWakeboard
Tender boat 5.2 m, 60 HP


Mandatory extras

Obligatory (not included in the renting price).

per week
  • Half board (breakfast + lanch/dinneer)
    460.00 € / per person

Optional extras

per charter
  • Delivery fee for the embarkation/disembarkation in any other port except base port, if "empty leg" caused
    1,000.00 €
per week
  • All drinks equiped by guests - corkage fee
    1,000.00 €
per day
  • Extra meal (per person)
    45.00 € / per person

Check in - Check out

Check in for boat is every Saturday at 17:00 PM and check out at Saturday 09:00 AM

Please contact us if you would like to request non-standard check-in and check-out times or locations.

The yacht particulars and pictures displayed above are displayed in good faith and even believed to be precise but are not guaranteed. All information's are subject to change without any further notice and warrantee. Yacht Charter booking department will confirm exact pricing and yacht particulars and pictures upon your request.

Gulet Gideon - id: 58414
Berths: 16
Cabins: 8
Manufactured: 1997
Marina: Split, Region Split