
Caring of the environment starts even before your start to sail by checking that the engine works properly and that are no oil and petrol leaks.

When replacing batteries or flares never throw the used one into the sea. Before sailing out head for a petrol station but make sure that none of the petrol ends up in the sea. Spared fuel should always be conserved in specially designed containers. Boat toilets should never be used in marinas, ports or near beaches.

During navigation or while you stay at the anchorage is prohibited throwing and landing in the sea any kind of solid and liquid waste and sanitary water.

Violation of the regulations on protection of the marine environment shall be severely sanctioned, in accordance with provisions of the Maritime Code and the Maritime Domain and Seaports Act. This is the only way to keep the Adriatic one of the most beautiful and cleanest seas in the Mediterranean.

The best way for environmentally conscious stay on board of the vessel does not pass the trash that could end up in the sea:

Use cloth bags for luggage and groceries

Packaged to your personal things you need during your stay on board in canvas bags, you’ve done the first step. Avoid letting angular and hard suitcases unadjusted for shipping and storage cabinets. The canvas bags can be easily matched in the car trunk or roof luggage carrier because they are much lighter than suitcases.

After storage (clothes, personal hygiene supplies, food), arrange the shipping boxes, and the same cloth bags can be used to purchase food during the voyage. So when you buy it you will not have to take plastic bags from stores.

Also, it is known that fruits and vegetables remain fresh longer lasting if it is packed in cloth bags instead of plastic. Through the cloth bags, however there is air flow.

The canvas bags are, of course, and long-lasting plastic, and when it becomes dirty are easy to clean (preferably organic detergents).

Buy ecological vegetables

Vegetables are best purchased without packaging. Packaging in which the vegetables are sold in stores is a combination of Styrofoam and plastic bags, and this combination is extremely harmful if it ends up in the sea.

Buy vegetables, without packaging, packing it before going into cloth bags, so they will preserve the maximum freshness. For your health and well-being of the planet where you live, try to use eco-vegetable diet.

If you’re still forced to buy groceries in a plastic container, before traveling unpack groceries and rank them in cotton bags. Packing them properly and dispose on the land before you sail.

Avoid buying foods with lavish packaging

All food is best bought in larger packs. In principle, each package is a “waste”. Of course, paper packaging is a “lesser evil” than plastic.

The best way to stay environmentally conscious on board and save it, is to make a plan for a cooking time of your planned stay in the boat. So you take with you just as much food as you need, and moreover you will be able to plan the purchase of products with no plastic packaging. When leaving the boat certainly bring with you all the food remaining after the cruise. In fact, you may not know, but in practice the charter before the arrival of new guests all the foods that remain on board the vessel throw away.

Water and other beverages – do not buy the plastic packaging

Plastic bottles are extremely dangerous and harmful when found in nature. What to do in order not to set sail with a bunch of plastic bottles? Simply use – glass bottles. True, a glass bottle is harder to transport, but not harmful. Tap water is drinkable in Croatia and it is enough to fill a glass bottle from the tap. On board, glass bottles that you do not need you can place in the saloon beneath the seats.

If you are unable or do not want to bother with glass containers for water, then use plastic bottles of 5 liters at least use repeatedly. It is good for this opportunity to use various portable water tanks such as used in the camps.

Use rags instead of paper towels

Buy toilet paper made from recycled paper and biodegradable. The best option is to use cloth towels instead of paper towels, cloth instead of paper towel. Do not buy things for single use – look for things that can be used again or repeatedly.

Get eco-products for personal hygiene, dishwashing and disinfection

Fortunately recently in Croatia you can purchase eco-cleaners. So you can buy from specialist organic toothpaste, environmentally friendly soap, organic shampoo, organic detergents. If you hired a boat, when it comes to environmental cleaning, then it is advisable in this case, after the departure of the ship to leave them on board in the hope that it will be used by the crew to come on board after you.

We are hoping that our tips will help you to maintain our sea and environment clean and healthy place especially for the generations to come.